Saturday, April 24, 2010

Natalie,My Niece Adopted From Guatemala

This is my niece Natalie.She was adopted from Guatemala.
My husband and I were dating when his sister was going through
the adoption process.
I know it must have been a long,emotional road for her and her husband.
The 2 things I remember the most are :
1.How family and friends gave their support emotionally and financially.Adoption can be expensive.It was amazing to see the generosity of the people that loved this family and how they found ways to raise and give money so that this sweet girl could have a family of her own.
2.The day her parents came home with her from the airport.They walked off the plane into the waiting area with friends and family that were awaiting their arrival.There was much emotion in the air.Tears of joy and laughter filled the area in the airport that day.It was an overwhelming feeling.This little girl named Natalie had been saved from an orphanage and placed with loving parents.
A new family was brought together that day.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

God Can Make Something Out Of Nothing,Don't Give Up On Your Passions

God always turns things for the better.
If you would have told me a year ago I would be doing what I am doing now,I don't know that I would have believed you.
As you know from earlier posts,alot of things have happened in the last few years.
I have developed passions I never thought I had and ones I thought I had but did not expect them to go anywhere.
Don't give up on your dreams and your passions.God has placed them there for a reason.Unfortunately this requires patience from us.Everything is in God's timing and if we wait on Him,His Will is better  for us then our own.
He takes care of the foul of the air,why would he not take care of us?He loves us enough to send His Son,why would we not be able to trust Him and His perfect will?
God can make something out of nothing.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Syd At The Zoo

Sydney had a field trip at the Zoo.What an experience!?!
Still alot of fun.
Her favorite part is to feed the birds.I think it is mine too.Of course,I love taking pictures at the zoo also.
This was one of my favorites.She is so focused on what she is doing,which does not happen often with my 5 year old,lol.
Love my Syd!

Relay For Life-Burleson 2010

Relay For Life in Burleson continues to grow.
I remember the first year we went was 2004 .Not alot of people.This year it was packed,you were always bumping into someone.
This year they raised over 202,000 dollars.I think that is pretty awesome.
You know I cry every time the survivors walk their lap.Tears of joy for them as you see them smile because they fought and won.Gives me goosebumps!
Love and prayers to all those who have fought and are fighting cancer and to the families who have lost someone and are missing them terribly.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Why Do I Do This And Why "By Syds"?

This picture pretty much says it all.
Of course,I will elaborate even though I don't need to.
I worked for Macy's/Foleys for almost 25 a sales/merchandise manager.

I had my little miracle girl at the young age of 36,lol.
I decided it was time to figure out how I could work and spend more time with my family.
God brought me to a place in my life where He had to knock some sense into me.
My mother had cancer for several years but in the year of 2007,she became worse and moved in with us.After a short time she went into the hospital in September.It was at that time I went on leave from my job to make sure I spent the time with my mother.She died a few weeks later in October 2007 at the age of 57.
Although this was difficult,God used this in my life.There is a purpose for everything.There is an appointed time in our lives,a divine destiny,a plan that God has for us.Such as was for Esther in the Bible.God has shown this to me in many ways.
So here I am,at an appointed time spending it with my family and uncovering what God has in-store for me each and every day.
Peace 2 U,Syds

Friday, April 2, 2010

My Syd Is Creative Too!

Syd and her cousin experimenting with various colors and their personal creativity.
You can only imagine my fear when I saw them.I thought... "How am I going to get this off?''
...And I was thinking they were so good playing in their room.I should have known.
I will say "I love washable markers"!
When I realized I could wash it off,I decided to take a picture.
Something to remember....

Be Who God Wants You To Be

So I turn 50 in a little over a month and I can not tell you how much I have thought to myself ,"Am I the person God wants me to be ...