Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Relay For Life-Burleson 2010

Relay For Life in Burleson continues to grow.
I remember the first year we went was 2004 .Not alot of people.This year it was packed,you were always bumping into someone.
This year they raised over 202,000 dollars.I think that is pretty awesome.
You know I cry every time the survivors walk their lap.Tears of joy for them as you see them smile because they fought and won.Gives me goosebumps!
Love and prayers to all those who have fought and are fighting cancer and to the families who have lost someone and are missing them terribly.

1 comment:

  1. I love the shirts! This will be the 4th year my family has done the Relay for Life, and I agree, I cry every year...during the survivors lap, and during the luminaria...I lost my dad to cancer, and the Relay is a great way to fight back.. great story, I'm glad your Relay is growing...


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