Saturday, April 24, 2010

Natalie,My Niece Adopted From Guatemala

This is my niece Natalie.She was adopted from Guatemala.
My husband and I were dating when his sister was going through
the adoption process.
I know it must have been a long,emotional road for her and her husband.
The 2 things I remember the most are :
1.How family and friends gave their support emotionally and financially.Adoption can be expensive.It was amazing to see the generosity of the people that loved this family and how they found ways to raise and give money so that this sweet girl could have a family of her own.
2.The day her parents came home with her from the airport.They walked off the plane into the waiting area with friends and family that were awaiting their arrival.There was much emotion in the air.Tears of joy and laughter filled the area in the airport that day.It was an overwhelming feeling.This little girl named Natalie had been saved from an orphanage and placed with loving parents.
A new family was brought together that day.

1 comment:

  1. She's so beautiful! Praise God your Sister in law and bro in law have been able to give her a loving home!


Be Who God Wants You To Be

So I turn 50 in a little over a month and I can not tell you how much I have thought to myself ,"Am I the person God wants me to be ...